
The Hartman Value Profile is for anyone who wants to see themself more clearly.

Get Your Report →

report, session & notes

For individuals navigating life transitions, professionals seeking new challenges in their careers, leaders looking to harness their team's creativity, and couples looking to strengthen their relationship.

The Package


For practitioners, service providers, coaches, and therapists.

Additional reports available upon request

report & Debrief

The Report


Based on the results provided in your report, you can choose your goal for your HVP session. This may be uncovering blindspots and limitations, clarifying your strengths and gifts, identifying where you are stuck, or diving into a limiting belief that's affecting your life.

Your HVP report is information about the beliefs and values that currently direct your actions and shape your life.

In your session, we dive into the parts of your HVP you want to explore, based on the insight notes you got with your report. After the session, you will receive personalized notes—the gold nuggests of the conversation—within 7 business days.

review Your report

You will receive your HVP report with video notes and the link to book your HVP session within 4 business days of taking the assessment. This allows you time to decide what you want to focus on in when we dive into your HVP report.

Get Your Report

Your link to the Hartman Value Profile assessment is included in your payment confirmation email. You can take the HVP at your leisure. It typically takes 10-20 minutes, but there is no time limit.


Your Report in 3 Steps


Judgment, similar to discernment, refers to a person's ability to first observe and take in information, to problem solve and innovate with that information, and then to choose the best solutions and ideas to execute and implement. Your strength of value judgments are the drivers of your choices and results.

It’s difficult to make lasting changes to your actions if you don’t change what you value. When you have clarity around the values that drive most of your actions, you can make intentional choices around what is and isn’t working for you. This makes the Profile an effective tool for self-reflection, change, and growth. 

The Profile includes 46 indicators measuring different aspects that make up your sense of judgment.

The HVP measures your strength of judgment IN 3 key areas: people, work, &  strategy

What is the Hartman Value Profile?

Have Questions?

Schedule a complimentary 15-minute call to discover how the Hartman Value Profile can help you identify values, shift, and grow.

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